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Proyecto Danzante.  Toma de audio por Kinect (incluido en Danzante)
Esta es la fuuncion que comienza a tomar audio desde la Kinect, gobernada desde el programa del usuario, nuestro danzante.
Public Function Start(readStaleThreshold As System.TimeSpan) As System.IO.Stream
Miembro de Microsoft.Kinect.KinectAudioSource
Starts capturing audio from the device. The data can be read using the returned stream.
readStaleThreshold: If there are no reads to the stream for longer than this threshold the DMO discards any buffered audio. This prevents stale data from being returned in scenarios such as speech recognition and dialog systems, when the consumption of audio samples may stop for a while.
Higher values for this threshold (e.g.: multiple seconds) are advisable if clients notice dropped audio packets, such as is more likely in high CPU-load scenarios.
Pass TimeSpan.MaxValue to avoid hitting this threshold.
Valores devueltos:
A stream of audio samples, in 16khz, 16-bit PCM format.
If the stream data is not read and the buffered audio exceeds the size specified in readStaleThreshold, the oldest samples are discarded.
o bien
Start(readStaleThreshold As System.TimeSpan)
Public Function Start() As System.IO.Stream
Miembro de Microsoft.Kinect.KinectAudioSource
Starts capturing audio from the device. The data can be read using the returned stream.
Valores devueltos:
A stream of audio samples, in 16khz, 16-bit PCM format.
If the data is not read for more than 500ms, buffered data is discarded to prevent returning old audio.
Y vea otra tarea: la Grabación en audio de performances, ahora en video.

Vuelta al Principio    Última actualización: domingo, 06 de septiembre de 2015    Visitantes: contador de visitas