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Proyecto Danzante. Luces y coreografía (incluido en Danzante)
Tomo de MSDN los nombres y aspecto de los 144 colores con nombre.

Color names in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) match the color names in Microsoft .NET Framework, Windows Forms, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. These colors and their names are based on the UNIX X11 color values.

The following image shows the color of each predefined brush, its name, and its hexadecimal value.

Color table including a color swatch, the color name, and the hexadecimal value

See the Brush class for a variety of other, more complex, ways that you can paint an area. For example, try using gradients (LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush) or images (ImageBrush).


Vuelta al Principio    Última actualización: sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016    Visitantes: contador de visitas