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Intellect vs the other bases qualities (with Wafa Akkouh)
Intellect is necessary for almost everything. With it, you prepare things, make plans, project, reason, understand, make yourself ideas about things, the world, activities... but as the king of abstract processes of thinking doesn't have authority and competence in life, in quick actions, intuition, sensation, emotions, movements, life in general while it is happening, that is, you can imagine and prepare living things even life, but you cannot use that moment to moment to life, because others powers, qualities, rule, control and direct it.
When you feel sad, when you are running, when you hear music, intellect is not the main faculty which is operating, because these situations belong to the realm of sensation, of emotions, of physicality. When you feel pain, this is not a thought. After feeling the pain you can think in that pain, but the sensation, the painful sensation happens before the idea of it, not after.
Even to understand speech, language, you need to hear the intonation of the speaker, because this intonation, organise words into sentences, and this sentences make the syntax, give meaning to these words which otherwise, would be a senseless list of loose words, without any reference to the real world.
If you hear "What do you do here?" you understand the words, of course, but also that you have been asked something, and possibly that the speaker is angry with you. And all this, thanks to the intonation or the melody of speech, the musical melody that differentiates questions from asseverations.
Well then, if you cannot hear this melody, and recognise what type, what modality of melody is it, you cannot understand entirely the sentence, and if you are writing what you hear, as it is the actual place, you cannot write the correctly the sentences, the punctuations signs that represents intonations in speech, you need a musical ear to hear speech, to understand speech. I will repeat this important sentence:
you need a musical ear to hear speech, to understand speech
When you sing a song you need a good coordination, what you here in your voice is tuned according to a musical scale, and your perception of your larynges you must coordinate, hearing and sensation. to arrive a just intonation. And all this is not intellectual.
So you understand now that intellect is only a part of you, only one of the faculties that you need to be and behave in the world, but not, absolutely not, the only one, even more, not the main one, probably.
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