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Beggining 2016 (with Wafa Akkouh)
Here we are again it is difficult to learn and teach subtle disciplines as sensibility, ethics, subtlety, knowledge of people, inner development, harmonic development, progressing and so on because, in these areas, the subject, is not codified. Their principles are not clearly written and when they are, the result is even worse than the ambiguity. It becomes rules of morals, codes of conduct, precepts of education, that is, something dead or at least a failure.
The nice destiny offer as a prove when asked about the meaning of ethics my co writer answer me something g confuse about theories, about ethics like utilitarianism, libertinism that is thoughts about ethics but not ethics itself. Then what is ethics for you? I answer ethics deals with the good and evil, mainly about good. Good of what? Good of people. the weal being of people in general and in particular how to attend it. Ethics should be an attitude inside the person that looks for the well being of the people, an attitude that consider everything good or bad at the light of these well-being of humans, animals, planets, trees, air, water, life, Rather general, Isn't it?
Then ethics could be link it generosity, goodness, politeness, but , shouldn't be confounded with qualities, Rather these should be like consequences or daughters of it. The ethics does not prescribe action or behaviour, but when you have the inner guide of ethics, your actions should be good and moral. Morality belongs to the class of codes of behaviour, rules of behaviour but is not ethics because one good behave well only by imitation or fear or servitude, that is without ethics.
Back to the beginning. Last update: domingo, 17 de enero de 2016 Visitors: