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Adquaring a text (incluido en el )
When we begin reading a text we adquire gradually many informations, as the subject of it, and even the plot if it is a novel or story. Lets take the beguining of a recent novel which is "A Game of Thrones" by George R. R. Martin. Ed. Harpercollins. London 2011. Lets recover the beginning of the book. We look in Google using the first words: "We should start back. Garet...". And we obtain this:
The text begin with someone, Garet, urges another person, or several, to return. We don't know who Garet is to whom he is addressing nor where are they, but we sense there is possible a group marching though the woods perhaps in difficult conditions and Garet being a guide or at least somebody with criterion.
So we know a lot already about the situation of the speaker and listeners with only the a few words. We are then learning a lot about the plot of the novel. (What is the plot? It is the general situation and everything that happen
to the people that appear in the novel. It can be also called... ).
We see how instead of explaining the situation like Dickens, Balzac, Zola, etc., this and other modern novels and films enter directly, brutally, in the plot, in their story, and however, we grasp little by little all this previous informations.
Vuelta al Principio Última actualización: viernes, 24 de abril de 2015 Visitantes: