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HELP for DP21 (in htm format, taken from WPU21.HLP)
Here are the keyboard commands of Puertra. They take effect when done or after some seconds. If not, check if Lock Shift (Capitals) is set ‒it should not‒ and check if the Puertra Window is active ‒click on it with the mouse.Many of these commands can be reached on the Puertra Window Menu too. The special commands used in Rige and Lattice editions appear at edition time.
SECTION Action Decrease Switch/Rotate Increase Introduce
DISK FILESOpensingle o
Reopen r Save single s Save AS Reopen INI file and reinitialize ll parameters i DRAW Generative Element . g Background bTranslation Element . f
Partial LatticeLatt n Lattice lines. l Rige r Boundaries p All a
SECTION Action Decrease Switch/Rotate Increase Introduce
PLANE TRANSFORMATIONS Drawing scale. Single < > Drawing scale. Multiple ( ) Displacement of Center 4 Arrows Clockwise plane turning v V Lateral compression/expansion k K w GE / TE Size 7 8 CIRCULAR REPETITIONS Radial/Swastika symmetry ! BLOCK DISPLACEMENTS Horizontal x X Vertical y Y Lateral z Z Bee Panel (hexagonal)/Normal = Fill display limits % Right Num.TE k Shft l Left Num.TE h Shft j Up Num.TE u Shft i Down Num.TE n Shft m Back to Displaylimits Shft+o Gyrated Translation q QSPATIAL TRANSFORMATIONS
Perspective $ Relief in perspective ! Front. Central Perspective HOME Back Central Perspective END Spatial Movements Shft-Cntrl Arrows Lateral Left Shft-Cntrl Right Vertical Up Shft-Cntrl Down Back-Front PgUp Shft-Cntrl Down Horizontal Turn Left CNTRL Arrows Right Vertical. Turn Down CNTRL Arrows Up
SECTION Action Decrease Switch/Rotate Increase Introduce
Spherical/Cilindrical/Plane Dome (8 types) # Radius of Sphere/Cilinder a Shft s Steps Num.Spac.Straight F9 F10SIZES
Generative Element 7 8 Shade 5 6 LineWidth 3 4Manual Draw (Mouse)
Point Right clicked PickUp Pixel Color Alt-Right clicked Continuous curve Left pressed Shapes Right pressed Alphanumeric signs pressed Keys & Left Mouse Switch Straight Line/Circle/Rectangle DblClick FRAME EDITION Frame Width 1 2 Central Line Width F1 Shft F2 Extreme Line Width F1 Cntrl F2 Middle Line Width F1 Shft-Cntrl F2 Central Line Position F3 Shft F4 Extreme Line Position F3 Cntrl F4 Middle Line Position F3 Shft-Cntrl F4
SECTION Action Decrease Switch/Rotate Increase Introduce
EDITION Lattice t Rige (form) e DRAW Clear Display ' Lattice l Partial Lattice &Intersections n Generative Element (GE) g Translation Element (T f Rige r Background b All a GE Limits d Show all u Change Item C Change Basic Color (16) c Change Hue: Red e Cbtrl_Alt r Green f Cbtrl_Alt g Blue c Cbtrl_Alt v BOUNDARIES Door, Square, Rhombus, Circle, Polygons, Stars, Arches. p MISCELLANEOUS Change size increment / * Switch between multiple Rige j Calculator 0 Exit Puertra 9
Action LEFT RIGHT Click Select Window Point DblClick Switch Straight/Circle/Rect/Rhombus/Star/Polygon. Move Curve Straight/Circle/Rect/Rect/Rhombus/Star/Polygon. Keys Prints characters Alt PickUp Color
Plane Transformations
This section deals with movements and transformations of the whole figure across the plane or, according to the actual Spatial Surface across to it. The possible transformations are:1. Change of the scale of a single figure, governed by '>' and '<' keys.
2. Change of the scale of a multiple figure, governed by the ')' and '(' keys.
3. Displacements in horizontal and vertical directions, governed by the corresponding arrows.
Clockwise plane turning: each TE (Translation Element) in the positive (clockwise) direction, but holding their centers unmoved, Governed by 'v' key.Block Displacements
These commands affect the relative position of repeated TE, and their number. The formal relationship between contiguous TE’s is so important as their interior features. Therefore, the vertical and horizontal distances between them have an important repercussion on the general aspect of the whole figure. Let us comment each particular commands, usually in pairs 'increase-decrease': Distances between contiguous TE: Horizontal X x Vertical Y y Relative position of two vertical TE: We call it 'Lateral', the command '=' placing the TE rows in an alternate basis. Lateral Z z Bee Panel (hexagonal) = Number of TE in the display: The TE cut by the display limits can be shown or not, the switching command being: Fill display limits % The following commands also regulate the number of TE that appears around the central one, with respect to the display limits: the actual number of each one of the four parameters (down) are added to or subtracted from these limits: Right Num.TE Shft+k Shft+l Left Num.TE Shft+j Shft+h Up Num.TE Shft+i Shft+u Down Num.TE Shft+m Shft+n Back to Display limits Shft+o This parameter controls the possible turning of TE when translated: Gyrated Translation Q q
Spatial TransformationsThe Rige and its Lattice can be considered to be in the three-dimensional space, rather than on a plane coinciding with the computer display. Therefore they can approach the spectator eye, they can go far away, move around the display, even disappear by crossing the display limits, turn on themselves. They became moving objects in space.
These movements or transformations are controlled by the following commands:
SECTION Action Increase Switch/Rotate Decrease Introduce
Perspective $ Relief in perspective ! Front.Central Perspective HOME Back Central Perspective END Distance to object Up ALT Arrows Down Horizontal Turn Left CNTRL Arrows Right Vertical. Turn Up CNTRL Arrows DownSpatial Surface
The Rige is usually drawn on a plane; but it can be also done on a different surface. Puertra does it on a sphere, in which case four alternative projection methods of a plane on the sphere can be adopted. These methods are titled s1, s2, s3, s4. The user should try them out to choose the one he considers adequate. (s3 is taken by default). Commands:
SECTION Action Increase Switch/Rotate Decrease Introduce
Spherical/Plane Dome # Radius of Spher.Dome ALT+a ALT+s Steps Num.Spac.Straight F9 F10Here are the commands that can be reached in the Main Window of PUERTRA
File Menu Items:
Ini Reopen 'INI. rig' and Initializes all variables.t Open o Selects and open a new RIG file Reopen Open again a previously opened RIG file MultiOpen Selects several RIG files that will be edited and drawn together. Save as.. s Selects and saves the actual RIG file (possibly updated), with optional new name. Save Saves the actual RIG file (possibly updated) with the same name. Exit 9 Exits Puertra to the Doors. You can really quit (click Q) or go back to Puertra (click G).See Files, to find more information.Screen
Clear Clears (erase) the screen.
Sizes Selects the screen size:
Huge The largests.
Svga Intermediate.
Vga Small.
Width Selects width of all drawn lines: Absolute (selfexplaining) Min: Fine Mid Wide Relative keyboard commands: Thinner, 3 Wider, 4Draw
Mode ByStep Draws Riges polygonal by polygonal. Slower but illustrating ByBlock Draws Riges by blocks, made with 1 or 2 EG. Quicker. Backgr b Draws the Background of the figure. GE g Draws the Generative Element . TE f Draws the Translation Element . PartLatt n Draws the Translation Element and its nine neighbours. Lattice l Fills the actual screen with the Lattice lines. Rige r Draws the Rige form Bound p Limits or bounds the figure with several shapes, called Boundaries . All a Draws the total figure, combining the Backg, Rige and Bound effects.Transf
Effect Keyboard command
Turn: Around the figure center. AntiClock v Mathematical positive turn. Clockwise V Mathematical negative turn. Size: Figure scale Smaller < Diminishes Bigger > Augments Move: Deplaces the figure on the plane, using keyboard arrows. UpArr / DownA \/ RightA => LeftA <= See Plane Transformations and Block DisplacementsSpace
Deals with spatial matters: Persp: Perpective, or Point of view. Spatial Figures are seen in space. Flat Figures are seen on a flat surface, perpendicular to the eyes direction. Switches between both: Type $ Surf: Surface on which figures are supposed to be projected or adaptad. Spher Spherical surface, as a ball. s1 One way to project a plane on a sphere. s2 Another one. s3 Another (default). Plane Plane surface Switches between plane and spherical: Type # See Spatial Transformations and Spatial Surface .
It is possible to change the situation and width of the longitudinal lines on the frame or lace. The relative commands are: FRAME EDITION type: Lace Width 1 2 Central Line Width F1 Shft F2 Extreme Line Width F1 Cntrl F2 Middle Line Width F1 Shft-Cntrl F2 Central Line Position F3 Shft F4 Extreme Line Positionh F3 Cntrl F4 Middle Line Position F3 Shft-Cntrl F4 In conexion with the Color commands, the frame can be completely designed. See also Frames
Deals with the figure Colors. Here are the related commands: ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒- ACTION TYPE FUNCTION ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒- Present u Show all colors in their Rige use. Item C Changes the item which color is to be changed. Hue (16) c Changes item basic color among 16 basic possibilities RGB change Red, Green or Blue components of item color: less - +, more w, e Cntrl_Alt r Red (- Red, also with 'w', because Alt+e keys 'Euro' symbol!. f Cntrl_Alt g Green v Cntrl_Alt b Blue Intensity Same color, darker o clearer. Darker z Cntrl_Alt a Clearer Darkest x Cntrl_Alt q Clearest ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ The actual color being changed with these CntrlAlt commands will appear on a little square in the upper left corner of the main window, and its RGB value on the window caption (upper border).
Fill Ways of filling shapes and aareas in the figure, with the Mouse. No No filling at all. Yes Filling active. Two ways: Bounding FillSolid Fill with solid, an unique color FillBackg Fill with the actual background in the Rige design. Only with rectangular shape (see down). Shapes Types of lines or shapes drawn when Right mouse is used. Straight lines. Circle Rectangle Rhombus Star Polygon Arch See a more detailed description in Manual Draw . Font Font appearing when writing on the keyboard while pressing Left Button in the mouse. Plus Increases its size by the actual increment (itself changed with '*' and '/'), or by 1 at least. Less Decreases its size by the actual increment, or by 1 at least.Edition
LattEd Type t Edits the lattice on which the Rige fits. Riged Type e Edits the Rige figure itself. Calcu Type 0 (zero). Call the Windows Calculator on screen, to find the numbers needed in Lattice edition, such as Angles and Distances. Detailed information in topics Rige Edition, Lattice Edition, Gyrated Translation, Circular Repetitions, Polygonals and Rige Analysis.Image
Besides the drawing of Rige figures, you can also load and see images in Windows formats on your display. In this way you can compare the result of your design with the actual image of the Rige in a photography, for instance. These operations are provided: Clean the display, the image included. Load a new image Reload load a previously selected image Command: R Save the actual image with a previous name Save as... the actual image with a new name Copy the image to the clipboard Paste the image from the clipboardHelp
Contents Ordered presentation of Help topics.i Commands Shows the Puertra Keyboard Commands , quicker then the Menu (when you know them, of course) About... Short information about Puertra.
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